Joe LOtt,  Lead Pastor

Originally from Alabama, Joe and his wife April raised their family in Florida, but then sensed the call to uproot and come to Idaho.  Joe has served in many areas of ministry from youth to administration to running a setup team for a mobile campus.  He studied at Auburn University, Rhema Bible School, and has a ministry degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL. 


Joe and April just celebrated their 20th anniversary, and have two beautiful daughters, Adriana and Lara.  While Joe pastors and runs a construction company, Janda Construction, April homeschools their two girls, and runs a large, local Christian homeschool community Magic Valley Legacy of Learners.  Both Adriana and Lara will be in high school next year!  They both enjoy theater, with Adriana majoring in writing and art and Lara focusing on theater and vocal training.